Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Daily Collective Worships

Children participate in daily reflection time and Collective Worships. Current events from around the world may be discussed. In the younger classes this make take the form of ‘circle time’ in which children share and discuss things that may have arisen during the week e.g. being a good friend, sharing etc.

SMSC discussions are recorded in a scrapbook and are displayed alongside our R.E scrapbooks so that the children may look back on what has been discussed.

Votes for Schools
Ingleton C of E Primary School have subscribed to VotesforSchools. VotesforSchools provides effective delivery of SMSC (including British values) and Prevent. It supports SMSC, PSHE and Citizenship. Debating a weekly VoteTopic provides the opportunity for discussion of topical, sometimes controversial, issues. It allows pupils to live and experience British values in an engaging way.