Friends of Ingleton School

The Friends of Ingleton School (FOIS) is a group of parents, staff and local people formed to help support the school by fundraising and social activities.

A Christmas Fayre is organised each year in November as the main activity and other events are held such as car boot sales and dances. Discos are are also held for pupils in school to help raise funds.

Funds raised are being used to supplement trips and visits for pupils, pay towards the transport costs, with the development of the school library, purchase laptops for pupils, buy each pupil a book at Christmas and with help such as  buying equipment, pupil prizes and refreshments.

Meetings are held each term and all parents/carers are welcome to attend. Details of meetings are sent out by the FOIS well in advance.

If you would like to join or require further information please contact the school office or email


School Uniformerly

We run a preloved uniform shop at (just click on the link below) .There are lots of sizes available so worth checking there first for all your uniform needs. All the money goes back into funding for the school.


Follow us on Facebook

We also have a Facebook Page. We would love for you to follow us.


FOIS Facebook Page